Signs of a Bad White Label Marketing Service

Signs of a Bad White Label Marketing Service
You want to grow your digital marketing firm, and the fastest way to do that is by offering clients a wider range of services. Fortunately, you can start diversifying the services available to clients relatively quickly and at relatively low expense by outsourcing to white label companies. White label digital marketing services come from firms that are stripped down, often without sales or customer service teams, so they can focus on providing high-quality services to clients through partnerships with other digital marketing agencies.
However, before you start making agreements with every white label firm you meet, you should recognize that not all white label digital marketers are created equal. To ensure that you are growing your firm and providing value to your clients, you need to watch for the following signs of potentially risky white label partnerships.
No Communication Rhythm
You filled out the contact form on the company website, and you expected a reply within a day or two. You didn’t hear back for weeks. This is not a good start to a reseller relationship.
You need your white label partner to be exceedingly prompt, so you can relay information to and from clients seamlessly. Any failure to communicate can result in unhappy clients, which is primarily your problem, so you need to be able to trust that your reseller partner will be available exactly when you need them to be.
Even if you can establish that the pace of a white label agency’s communications is quick, you should also test the content of their communication as possible. The agency needs to be able to articulate important issues clearly, so you can resolve them as necessary. The sooner you can work out whether you can communicate efficiently with a white label marketing provider, the better.
No Structured Systems
Structured workflows ensure that projects are completed to meet expectations. Thanks to established systems, resellers should be able to determine with some degree of accuracy how long a service will take to complete, how much it will cost and what quality they can achieve. This assists with communication and ensures that clients get the results they need and want.
Unfortunately, not all companies put time and effort into developing the structured systems they need. You should ask any potential reseller partners about the systems they have in place; if they hesitate, struggle to articulate or admit to an especially flexible workflow, you might choose to look elsewhere for digital marketing services.
High Employee Turnover
High employee turnover is a symptom of several serious problems within a business, and you should want to have nothing to do with any business that suffers from such severe instability. Not only is it uncertain that a company with a high turnover rate is likely to be in business for long, but constantly changing staff will become a burden for you, as you will need to acquaint yourself with new contacts and re-educate the reseller’s teams on your services and branding frustratingly frequently. You should ask every employee you meet how long they have worked at the firm, and if most are less than a year or two, you should find a different white label partner.
Inconvenient Location
Outsourcing developed a bad reputation when U.S. companies began moving critical functions oversees, where they could pay employees next to nothing for their work. Perhaps surprisingly, you can find digital marketing resellers in other countries — but you might not want to go this route with your white label partnership. Communication is much more difficult when you are working in different time zones, and you don’t want to get confused with regards to deadlines and let your clients down.
Though you can undoubtedly find bargain digital marketing services from less developed nations, you should opt for a white label SEO service closer to home. Not only will timelines be less concerning, but you can eliminate language as a barrier to high-quality services for you and your clients.
Your business relies on its outsourced services, and white label digital marketing services matter even more than most. The more effort you put into finding a white label partner you can trust, the more successful you will be.
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