Special trains for Attukal Pongala festival

Special trains for Attukal Pongala festival

Special trains for Attukal Pongala festival


The South Western Railway has notified special trains to clear extra rush during Attukal Pongala festival. According to a release issued by the railways here on Thursday, train no. 06501 SMVT Bengaluru – Kochuveli Special Fare Special will leave SMVT Bengaluru at 11.55 p.m. on 22 and 24 February and reach Kochuveli at 7.10 p.m., the next day.

In return, direction train no. 06502 Kochuveli – SMVT Bengaluru Special Fare Special will leave Kochuveli at 10 p.m. on 23 and 25 February and reach SMVT Bengaluru at 4.30 p.m., the next day.
