The Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao film, Stree 2, has recorded another historic day at the box office. According to early estimates, Stree 2 has collected in the range of Rs. 43 to 45 crores on the third day, taking the total collections to Rs. 144.50 crore. The film is all set to enter the Rs. 150 crores in 4 days flat and then Rs. 200 crores in 5 days flat.

Stree 2 Box Office Estimate Day 3: Goes on a rampage on Saturday; collects Rs. 44 crores :Bollywood Box Office

The film is outstanding all across the board, and the showcasing has been increased for the film owing to the dull show of Khel Khel Mein and Vedaa. Stree 2 is looking to earn Rs. 500 crores if the present trend is anything to go by, however, we can say this with surety only with the Tuesday number, as that’s when the holiday season will be over.

Stree 2 has gone past the lifetime collections of Stree in 4 days flat and is now looking to scale new heights. It’s a mid-budget film and hence, its ideally one of the biggest blockbusters of modern era, as the lifetime numbers are sure to be in the Top 5 of all time for a Hindi film

The Sunday numbers could even match the opening day business, but it’s all wait and watch for now