The concept of a great leader is a myth; it is always the work of a great team: Sanjiv Mehta

The concept of a great leader is a myth; it is always the work of a great team: Sanjiv Mehta

The concept of a great leader is a myth; it is always the work of a great team: Sanjiv Mehta


The second session of Goafest 2024 was led by Sanjiv Mehta, Executive Chairman of L Catterton India, which was presented by Sun Neo titled, Navigating The Age Of Adaptability: Leading with Vision, Flexibility, and Purpose.

In this compelling talk, Mehta delved into the critical elements of leading with vision, flexibility, innovation, agility, and dynamic purpose in today’s ever-changing market landscape. He articulated how visionary leadership combined with the agility to pivot and a strong sense of purpose can drive business success and resilience. “Agility demands spare capacity and the ability to redirect talent towards value creation”, he mentioned. 

Mehta also highlighted the importance of innovation through several examples, noting that no business follows a linear trajectory. Instead, resilience and adaptability are essential for organisations to bounce back and thrive in a dynamic environment. He stated, “Learning happens when you have the humility to say, ‘I don’t know?’” – by admitting so’, organisations and corporations open themselves to new knowledge and understanding, fostering a growth mindset that enables them to learn and grow from others’ expertise and experiences, not just myopically thinking of profit generation. 

He highlighted myriad leadership attributes, including sensemaking, a term coined by Karl Weick, which involves piecing together disparate information to foresee and navigate complexity. He also spoke about care and compassion being a core value for leaders. Moreover, focussing on the value of team over individuals, he accentuated, “The concept of a great leader is a myth; it is always the work of a great team.” Overall, this session offered invaluable insights, highlighting the need for businesses to remain adaptable and forward-thinking to navigate and thrive in the age of constant change.
