Ukrainian Abrams tanks get extra protection

Ukrainian Abrams tanks get extra protection
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Ukrainian Abrams tanks get extra protection

Ukrainian soldiers are adding extra protection to their M1A1SA Abrams main battle tanks in the form of explosive reactive armor.

Soldiers started fitting the Abrams Reactive Armor Tile (ARAT) suite on recently received tanks. The ARAT is a Tank Urban Survival Kit component that was mounted on Abrams tanks during deployments to the Middle East. It consists of a set of two types of reactive armor tiles. There is the square box, which is called the M19 (similar in Ukraine), and then there is the one that looks like a terra cotta tile, which is the M32.

The explosive-filled packages could help the tanks stand up to increasingly advanced tanks and anti-tank munitions.


Using the ARAT will allow the tanks the maneuverability and operability they will need in more verdant areas.

Ukraine has begun to receive its 31 M1 Abrams tanks from the U.S. military in the last year.