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Viralentalks Tv show updates, Celeb Gossips Trending Topics!
Despite the show’s immense success, Deepika Singh has faced a relative scarcity of engaging opportunities in the industry.

Remember Sandhya from Diya Aur Baati Hum? Deepika Singh, known for her captivating portrayal of Sandhya in the long-running television series Diya Aur Baati Hum, has opened up about the complexities of her post-show career. Despite the immense success of the series, Singh has faced a relative scarcity of engaging opportunities in the industry.
Deepika Singh On Finding Work in TV Industry
In a recent interview with News18, Singh candidly discussed the challenges she has encountered. “While Diya Aur Baati Hum provided me with a remarkable platform and a dedicated fan base, translating that success into consistent work has not been straightforward,” she revealed. “While I have received various offers, I haven’t found many that truly resonated with my creative aspirations.”

Singh attributes some of the difficulty to her natural tendency to avoid networking and self-promotion. “I haven’t always been comfortable actively seeking out opportunities. However, I’m actively working on stepping outside my comfort zone and embracing a more proactive approach,” she admitted.
Despite the initial obstacles, Singh remains steadfastly optimistic about her career trajectory. “I believe in the power of perseverance and hard work. I’m constantly honing my skills and seeking out new opportunities that align with my vision for my journey as an actor,” she affirmed.