Vizhinjam port: trial operations for phase I to begin by April, says Minister

Vizhinjam port: trial operations for phase I to begin by April, says Minister

Vizhinjam port: trial operations for phase I to begin by April, says Minister


The trial operations for the phase-I of Vizhinjam Seaport project will begin by April 2024, Minister for Ports Ahammad Devarkovil said on Saturday.

Addressing the Navakerala Sadas at Kovalam, Mr. Devarkovil said the fourth ship transporting five more cranes for the port is scheduled to dock at Vizhinjam on December 30.

“Once phase-I is complete, the port will be able to handle 10 lakh TEU (of cargo capacity),“ he said.

Zhen Hua 15, the first ship carrying cranes for the port, docked at Vizhinjam port on October 15. Officials of the Vizhinjam International Seaport Ltd said the fourth ship will be followed by four more transporting cranes.

Eight ship-to-shore cranes and 24 cantilever rail-mounted gantry cranes are planned in this phase.

Mr. Devarkovil said in Kovalam that the construction of the breakwater for the port project has made encouraging progress.
