In a recent interview, ARK was asked about how he has managed to stay away from social media, he said, “I don’t know – I didn’t have social media for the longest time, in fact. Actors have always been busy with events and things to go to but now you have this phone that’s constantly in your hand. I’m not out there as much because I don’t post and it’s not a conscious decision. I am just not interested in posting. Every now and then, I’ll go on a posting spree for three-four days and then disappear again. We look at our phones for an unnatural amount of time and we’re just constantly looking at photos of each other (laughs). Earlier you’d see contemporaries’ faces when you opened a newspaper or a magazine or in a TV commercial. Now you unlock your phone and you’re seeing faces and faces everywhere.”

Well, we can’t wait to watch the star on screen again, what about you?
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