Weird sounding food combinations

Weird sounding food combinations

Weird but good food combinations

Here are some of the weird-sounding food combinations that are actually good.

  • Peanut butter and bacon combination

Peanut butter and bacon: This combination may sound strange, but it’s actually quite delicious. The salty, fatty bacon pairs perfectly with the sweet, creamy peanut butter. You can try this combination on a sandwich, in a wrap, or even on its own.

  • French fries dipped in ice-cream

French fries dipped in ice cream: This is another combination that sounds weird, but it’s surprisingly good. The salty, crispy fries provide a nice contrast to the sweet, creamy ice cream. You can try this combination with any type of ice cream, but vanilla or chocolate are classic choices.


  • Pizza with pineapple:

    This is a classic example of a food combination that is loved by some and hated by others. If you’re a fan of sweet and savory flavors, you’ll probably love the combination of pineapple and pizza. The pineapple adds a tropical sweetness to the pizza that perfectly complements the savory flavors of the cheese, sauce, and toppings.


  • Chocolate and avocado

Chocolate and avocado: This combination may seem strange, but it’s actually quite popular in some parts of the world. The creamy avocado provides a nice contrast to the rich, chocolaty flavor. You can try this combination in a smoothie, milkshake, or even on its own.

  • Sushi with ketchup

Sushi with ketchup: This is a combination that is often frowned upon by sushi purists, but it can actually be quite delicious. The ketchup adds a sweet and tangy flavor to the sushi that can balance out the strong flavors of some of the fish and other ingredients.


These are just a few of the many weird sounding food combinations that are actually good. So next time you’re looking for something new to try, don’t be afraid to experiment with some of these unusual combinations. You might just be surprised at how much you enjoy them.