What is Breaking Bad Cast Salary Per Episode

What is Breaking Bad Cast Salary Per Episode
The hit drama, which chronicled Walter White’s transition from hardworking family man to vicious drug lord, was one of the most stylistically accomplished television series in recent years. Our romance with Heisenberg’s blue meth But thinking back on all of this, have you ever thought about just how much the actors behind these beloved characters were being paid? From the chemistry lab to the bank vault and all around Breaking Bad, welcome aboard, fans. It’s time to break down what this gang of misfits is taking home every month
Who are the main cast and main leads?
Breaking Bad boasts a stellar ensemble cast, but two figures stand out:
Bryan Cranston as Walter White:
Whose transformation was the pivot point for the narrative might be regarded as last season’s cancer victim turned meth kingpin.
Aaron Paul as Jesse Pinkman:
The initially reluctant partner of Walter brought humor and pathos to their tale, whose journey from self-benumbed burnout led lawyerlike steps into a meanwhile unwitting life as an entrepreneur.
Individual Roles and Salaries
Beyond our main duo, several other characters played pivotal roles:
Anna Gunn as Skyler White: Grapple with moral decay This is the conflicted wife of Walter.
Dean Norris as Hank Schrader: A DEA agent brother-in-law to Walter who pursues Heisenberg in a thrilling cat-and-mouse game.
Giancarlo Esposito as Gus Fring: Walter’s fierce competitor in the Mexican drug world.
Bob Odenkirk as Saul Goodman: As comical as it may sound, Walter’s shady lawyer has a crafty criminal brain.
How much do each cast member and main lead get?
Now, let’s cook up some salary figures:
Bryan Cranston: Reportedly $225,00 per episode by the last season, making a cool $3.6 million overall for her role on SPECTRE.
Aaron Paul: Earned $150,00 per episode at the end ($2.4 million in total).
Anna Gunn: Earned $4.57 million throughout the series (at a rate of $75,000 per episode).
Dean Norris: Originally paid $20,00 per episode, later, it rose to over one million dollars for the final season. That last figure comes out to around $2.
Giancarlo Esposito: While exact figures are not known, his prominent role must have earned him a salary in the six-figure area.
Bob Odenkirk: In the same way, though details are shrouded in secrecy, there is absolutely no doubt that his career-making portrayal of Saul Goodman merited a hefty paycheck.
It wasn’t just the blue meth and thrilling plot twists that made Breaking Bad so successful. Its talented cast was a big factor in captivating audiences around the globe. Their on-screen chemistry was invaluable, and their off-screen paychecks showed precisely how much they added to the show. The cast’s salaries add a whole new layer of intrigue to the Breaking Bad phenomenon.
From Heisenberg’s hefty sum down through Jesse’s slow but steady rise, moviegoers can take comfort in knowing that behind every fictional empire, there is an inspiring story of talent and reward left lying untold among the dusty records back home at Central Casting.
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