Zach Roloff: My Dad is a Total Narcissist!

Zach Roloff: My Dad is a Total Narcissist!

Zach Roloff: My Dad is a Total Narcissist!


Zach Roloff has fired a shot at his father.

Another shot, we should probably emphasize.

As Little People, Big World fans likely know very well by now, Zach hasn’t really spoken to his dad in two years… not since Matt Roloff put a portion of his Oregon property up for sale.

Zach Roloff speaks to the confessional camera on Little People, Big World in an April 2024 episode.
On the Season 25 finale of Little People, Big World, Zach Roloff describes where things stand with his father. (Image Credit: TLC)

Back in May 2022, Zach felt as if he hadn’t been given a fair opportunity to purchase this land.

And when his parent pushed back on that narrative, Zach shocked followers by trashing Matt as a liar and a coward.

“This post is extremely misguided and false,” wrote Zach at that time in response to Matt’s explanation of how the sale transpired, even adding:

“Once again like he has for most of his life not taking responsibility for his own actions and blaming others. Dragging the family drama that he created and then manipulate the fan base to make himself come out okay.

“This post hits a new shocking low of cowardice and manipulation of his family and kids for his own gain.”

Matt and Zach Roloff on Air
Matt and Zach Roloff aren’t getting along well these days. They’ve been clashing over the future of their family farm. (Image Credit: TLC)

Cut to several weeks ago and Zach and Tori Roloff announcing they were leaving the aforementioned TLC reality series.

During his final appearance, Zach provided the following update on where things stand between father and son:

“When it comes to my dad, that ship has all sailed,” he said via confessional.

“There’s not much of a relationship, just doing our own thing. Time might even it out, but everything will be healed, it just, it will be different.” 

Zach Roloff and Tori Roloff Interview
Zach Roloff and Tori Roloff are pictured here on a 2022 episode of Little People, Big World. (TLC)

Now, on the latest episode of the podcast he co-hosts alongside his wife, Zach has told listeners that not a lot has changed since the Little People, Big World finale was filmed.

“Oh, it’s not great. People are still in denial [they] didn’t do anything wrong,” Zach said of his (non) connection with his dad.

“In my mind, it’s a narcissism. So yeah, it’s not great, I don’t know… more time may heal.”

Give the father of three points for honesty, huh?

Matt Roloff speaks to the confessional camera.
Speaking on Season 25 of Little People, Big World, Matt Roloff worries about missing time with his grandkids. (Image Credit: TLC)

Zach went on to say that the most recent season of Little People, Big World was filmed almost a year ago.

A great deal of time has passed. But no reconciliation has taken place.

“Dust is settled but nothing has been fixed and then stuff comes out on social media and you realize people are thinking the same thing,” he continued.

“It’s a bummer, because I thought we were kind of evening it out a little bit.”

Tori, Zach and their kids for TLC
Tori, Zach Roloff and their kids for TLC. (TLC)

For his part, Matt has said he hopes the relationship improves, while also casting doubt on the future of Little People, Big World.

He told Entertainment Tonight this spring that he understands why his son and daughter-in-law have decided to step away no matter what happens with the program.

“They got their three little kids. It’s not for everyone,” Matt told this outlet.

“Zach knows better than anybody how difficult it is to raise their children in front of the camera with all the scrutiny.”

Zach Roloff: My Dad is a Total Narcissist! was originally published on The Hollywood Gossip.
